earnings (EBITDA). Shareholders, including the majority shareholders, expressed their faith in the performance and future prospects of the Company and subscribed, in large numbers, to the warrants (IVL-W1
earnings (EBITDA). Shareholders, including the majority shareholders, expressed their faith in the performance and future prospects of the Company and subscribed, in large numbers, to the warrants (IVL-W1
for shareholders? meetings, (2) sue for damages from disclosure of falsified information, (3) claim to disgorge ill-gotten benefits obtained by company directors or management in bad faith and (4
in performing the duty with due care and in good faith which includes preparation of the company?s financial statements and accounting documents in accordance with the accounting standards. The case
, constrained by the cyclical and volatile nature of the securities industry and the downward pressure on commission rates, a result of intensifying competition. บรษิทัหลกัทรพัย ์เคจีไอ (ประเทศไทย) จํากดั )มหาชน
characteristics into account: (1) Any behavior indicating any act or omission to act in bad faith or by gross negligence in relation to undertaking any transaction of the company or its subsidiary resulting in
of such agreement consists of conducting duties with integrity, good faith and protect the benefit of the Company, not conducting the business having the same nature with the Company and not conducting
ทำงกำรลงทุนภำยใตห้ลกัธรรมำภิบำล (1) ปฏิบติัหนำ้ท่ีโดยสุจริต (in good faith) เพื่อประโยชนท่ี์ดีท่ีสุด (best interest) ของสมำชิก (2) ปฏิบติัหนำ้ท่ีดว้ยควำมรอบคอบและระมดัระวงัอยำ่งสมเหตุสมผล (prudence and
หุนกลุมที่ปรับตัวเพิ่มขึ้นยังคงเปนหุนกลุม cyclical เชนหุนกลุม สถาบันการเงิน หุนกลุมพลังงาน หุนกลุมสายการบิน และหุนกลุมโรงแรม เชนเดียวกันกับหุนกลุมเทคโนโลยี ที่นัก ลงทุนยังคงใหความสนใจ
in HRC market price. In Q2/18, an overall market for Steel industry has dropped as cyclical situation according to a long holiday period in April and starting of the rain season which will result to a