The SEC has implemented the initial intensive measures for securities public offering companies and listed companies that commission carbon footprint preparation reviewer in accordance with the Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. Sor Mor. 18/2564 Re: Measures on Fee Deduction for Filing the Registration Statement for Securities Offering and the Annual Registration Statement for Companies Disclosing Greenhouse Gas Emission Data, dated 10 March 2021. The fee de...
Bangkok, September 14, 2009 ? The Criminal Court ordered another 60-day extension of asset freeze against 12 alleged offenders on Picnic Corporation Plc. (PICNI) case, namely Suriya Lapvisuthisin
Bangkok, July 2, 2009 ? The Criminal Court ordered another 180-day extension of asset freeze upon five alleged offenders in the S.E.C. Auto Sales and Services Plc. (SECC) case, namely (1) Sompong
Bangkok, March 22, 2013 - The SEC rejected to grant further extension of deadline for Thai Unique Coil Center Plc. (TUCC) to submit its rectified Q2 and Q3/2012 financial statements as well as 2012
along with its creditors sent a letter requesting the CMSB to grant another one-month period extension for their out-of-court negotiation on debt restructuring which is expected to expedite repayment of
According to referrals from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and the SEC’s further investigation, there were facts and evidence leading to believe that the actions of the three persons above were liable to be offenses related to insider trading that caused the rise of the CHG share price. The inside information that Dr. Kumpol became aware of or possessed was CHG’s operating results for the third quarter of 2019, which recorded a significant increase in net earnings due to the income...
Following receipt of clue information, the SEC conducted an investigation and found that since 12 January 2022, 1000X, the service provider of the website (“”), had provided services or presented itself to the public that it was ready to provide the digital asset exchange service in the ordinary course of business outside the digital asset exchange. Additionally, Worawat promoted 1000X’s service in the Thai language on Facebook to invite the public to use the ser...
Bangkok, June 29, 2012 ? The SEC declined to grant further extension of dateline for Professional Waste Technology Plc (PRO) to submit the rectified and audited 2011 and reviewed Q1/2012 financial