by 1.75 $/BBL compared to the average 12.75 $/BBL in Q1/2019. This can be attributed to demand for Gasoil within the region not making significant increase that matched previous market expectation
Bank of Thailand and Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board data, the Thai economy in the 4Q/2022 expanded by 1. 4% y-y, slower than the expansion of 4.6% y-y in the previous
remaining projects’ gross profit margin still meet the Company’s expectation. Other Revenues is Baht 14.70 million, consists of incomes from the sales of construction waste in the amount of Baht 4.24 million
mortgage together with the building in the present and/or expectation of the building in the future amount 53 unit 4) Objective For working capital in the operating of company 5) Total Value and Valuation
expectation, Not only exporting business but Travelling business also have trend to growing less than expected and moreover Thai foreign exchange rate of the Baht was appreciate that cause Financial
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rate of tariff for importing products from China. However, the global economy still has continuously growing up. While Thai’s economic has trend to growing lower than expectation, Not only exporting
189.6 138.3 37.1% 482.6 374.3 28.9% Total Revenues The Company’s total income for the 3rd quarter of 2019 was 684.6 million baht, which was an increase from the same period for the previous year by 202.3
operation results for the year 2017, the Company would like to provide the clarification of performance which was decreased more than 20% compared to the previous year. For the year 2017, the operating
average occupancy rate for CPN’s retail properties stood at 91%, slightly lower from the previous quarter due to major renovations at both CentralWorld and CentralPlaza Rama 3. CPN reported its 3Q17