The SEC has implemented the initial intensive measures for securities public offering companies and listed companies that commission carbon footprint preparation reviewer in accordance with the Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. Sor Mor. 18/2564 Re: Measures on Fee Deduction for Filing the Registration Statement for Securities Offering and the Annual Registration Statement for Companies Disclosing Greenhouse Gas Emission Data, dated 10 March 2021. The fee de...
(intermediaries) to support efficient management of operations and risks in line with the changing landscape, business trends, and the Corporate Governance Code (CG Code) while protecting the interest of the
handle their complaints sufficiently and efficiently while protecting the clients’ best interest. ____________________
ระดับประสิทธิภาพภาครัฐเพื่ออำนวยความสะดวกในการประกอบธุรกิจด้านการคุ้มครองผู้ลงทุนเสียงข้างน้อย (Protecting Minority Investors) พร้อมกันนี้ ก.ล.ต. ยังร่วมจัดนิทรรศการหัวข้อการคุ้มครองผู้ลงทุนเสียงข้างน้อย
shareholder and is entitled to rights as a corporate owner. The shareholders control the corporation through Protecting-Minority-Investors
&indent=true&facet=true&facet.field=key_filetype&facet.field=key_sitemap&facet.field Protecting
LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 3 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 22/11/2022 18:04 Notification for connected transactions for service contracts 30/11/2021 08:55 Investment in the expansion of
No. 21, six levels higher than No. 27 in the preceding year, and No. 5 within the Asia-Pacific region. Two areas of better performances were (1) Dealing with Construction Permits and (2) Protecting
effective system for protecting the client?s asset that are (1) failing to segregate assets under its custody as assets of clients in accordance with the notification and (2) investing assets of clients in