The Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand (SEC) together with the Institute of Certified Accountants and Auditors of Thailand (ICAAT) issued accounting guidelines on revenue recognition for
juristic offenders in eight cases and the total remittance of more than 50 million baht as public revenue. Mr. Somchai Pongpattanasin, SEC Assistant Secretary?General in charge of the Enforcement Division
amounting to Baht 28.45 million or 39.39 % because of the follow main reasons. 1.Revenue from hospital operations increased by Baht 106.76 million or 16.72 % due to revenue from general patient increased. And
performance for three-month period ended 30 September 2017 compared to the prior year was decreasing in net profit amounting to Baht 28.17 million or 38.62% because of the following main reasons. 1.1 Revenue
amounting to Baht 38.83 million or 89.31 % because of the follow main reasons. 1.Revenue from hospital operations decreased by Baht 5.72 million or 1.04 % due to in Q2/2018 Socail Security revenue of
operations & Administrative expenses increased by Baht 97.94 million or 6.79 % due to the Medical personal expenses which was in line with the increased revenue,also increased because of the expanding capacity
% because of the follow main reasons. 1. Revenue from hospital operations increased by Baht 52.43 million or 8.94 % due to in Q3/2018 the revenue from general patient increased. 2. Cost of hospital operations
amounting to Baht 25.47 million or 56.44 % because of the follow main reasons. 1.Revenue from hospital operations increased by Baht 31.06 million or 5.58 % due to in Q1/2019 the revenue from general patient
follows. 1. Revenue from sales In 2017, the company’s revenue from sale was 3,589.20 million baht increased by 882.13 million baht from the corresponding period last year, or 32.59% increased. The increment
reasons why Q1/2018’s profit showed a changing over 20% as follows. 1. Revenue from sales In Q1/2018, the company’s revenue from sale was Baht 962.08 Million increased by Baht 299.97 Million from the