Bangkok, December 19, 2006 ? In reference to the trading plunge on the Stock Exchange today, the SEC is urging foreign investors to pay close attention to all facts before making careful and well
informed accordingly. Very truly yours, (Mr. Jakkaphong Jakrajutatip) Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director 3 Attachment 1 Information Memorandum on Connected Transactions of JKN Global Media Public
television of the Compan ness as well. nto above tra o the Notifica Material Tra The World Co ompany Limite Board of Dir subsidiary of t umber of sold ompany Limite red capital of mounting to the 4,500 newly
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sition of the in relation to nd execute th transaction, i Agreement; tact any app o the Office o government a as well as su med appropriat rcent accordi pany was not spect. t in other com tock Exchang
begun, {A} could not execute the ATO order in time and decided to execute the order at the market price (MP) instead without notifying the client in advance. As a result, the client received less
…………………………………………………… who is working for us has explained and informed the Client being Mr/Miss/Mrs/Company……………………………. …………………………….. so as to be aware of the risks relating to futures and/or options trading prior to opening
shareholders in both parties (Please see details in “5. Details of connected person and the area of interest of connected persons”) 3. General description of the transaction The Company has agreed to execute the
agreement to execute the transaction. After approval by the Company’s Board of Directors, with retroactive effect from 1 April 2017 until 11 May 2020. 2. Party and relationship. The Provincial Waterworks
order to execute enforcement and may also file a criminal complaint with the inquiry official for further criminal proceedings in case of refusal to pay a civil penalty. In any case, more severe