One of the SEC objectives is to support investors to develop a robust financial health, using the capital market to accumulate wealth in response to their needs. As such, to expand investment choices
The “Aom No. 5” campaign’s main objective is to expand investor base, particularly those of working age, encouraging them to be prepared for the future and have saving discipline through dollar cost
Rules for Custody of Customer Assets and Essential Details of Custody Agreement
housing so as to provide decent housing for low- Access to essential services (affordable housing) • Low-income persons • Number of dwellings (construction/renovation) • Number of beneficiaries 10 Issuer
Unit 6 Co-firing 2050 2030 03 NET ZERO 2050 • Expand green energy capacity • Use 100% clean fuel • Retrofit 100% CCUS • Expand Hydrogen value chain • Expand green energy capacity • Expand alternative
154.6 percent when compared to the year 2017 at 236.0 MB. Therefore, the Company would like to clarify the operating results as following essential information: Revenue In the year 2018, the Company and
the operating results as following essential information: Revenue Q2/2018, the Company and its subsidiaries had total revenue of 221.2 MB, increased from Q2/2017 at 1 MB by 0.5 percent that effected
. International Plc. 4. General transaction description : Purchasing ordinary shares of Shop Global (Thailand) Ltd. 5. Purpose of transaction : To expand marketing channels of the Company to have opportunity to
weaken. Although the government has policies to help the cost of living of people at the grass-roots level, it focuses on spending of the essential consumer products only. In addition, there was a factor
government’s order, we have closed fashion and hardline (Non-food) stores, while our food store remains operational to serve customers’ demand on essential consumer products. In addition, Central retail has