, who led the Thai WEPs Awards jury panel, expressed AWEN’s enduring support for female entrepreneurs. “AWEN Thailand has been proactive in building the networks of female entrepreneurs in Thailand
businesses as follows ; 90% Redberry Outdoors Sdn. Bhd. (“RBO”) 83.9% Focus Media Network Sdn. Bhd. (“FMN”) 90% Ten Plus Resources Sdn. Bhd. (“10Plus”) 49% Redberry Media Sdn. Bhd. (“RBM”) 100% Point Cast (M
, the ongoing trend of people spending more time outdoors and its strength as being a medium that reaches consumers when they are on the go to create brand awareness. For Online media, Digital Advertising
spending more time outdoors and its strength as being a medium to create brand awareness that reaches consumers when they are on the go. For Online media, Digital Advertising Association Thailand (“DAAT
Public Company Limited (“MACO”) focuses on the Outdoor media segment, a beneficiary of the continuing structural shift in the media industry and the ongoing trend of people spending more time outdoors
าคัญอื่นๆ (ก) PBSB ด าเนินการขายกิจการบางส่วนให้กบั RBSB ซึ่งประกอบไปด้วยหุ้นทัง้หมดซึ่งปัจจุบนัถือโดย PBSB ในกิจการตา่งๆดงัตอ่ไปนี ้ 90% Redberry Outdoors Sdn. Bhd. (“RBO”) 83.9% Focus Media Network Sdn