Bangkok, June 20, 2012 ? The SEC awarded ?ICT for society? for its accomplishment in developing Mobile App ?start-to-invest? to promote financial literacy and investment knowledge to the general public and ?Core Process Improvement? for developing its services and internal operating systems under the project ' SMART SEC Administrative Office". The awards were given at ?Thailand ICT Excellence Awards 2011-2012,? organized by Thailand Management Association (TMA) in cooperation with National Elec...
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Facebook Page ชื่อ Long-lasting value appreciation in funds - ยังไม่ได้รับใบอนุญาตธุรกิจหลักทรัพย์/สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า (วันที่เปิดเผยข้อมูล : 03/07/2567)
91.04. We viewed that those companies with enthusiasm and determination to improve their AGM quality should be honored and therefore made announcement for those achieving scores of 80 and above in
related parties in the capital market in order to create understanding and cooperation in the use of good governance principles for sustainable development.In this seminar, SEC was honored by Dr. Prasarn
, in Thailand and Cambodia.The MOU signing ceremony was honored by the presence of distinguished guests, including Chairman and commissioner of the SEC Board, World Bank Country Manager for Thailand
, who led the Thai WEPs Awards jury panel, expressed AWEN’s enduring support for female entrepreneurs. “AWEN Thailand has been proactive in building the networks of female entrepreneurs in Thailand
Plan” by honored guests, namely Mr. Santi Viriyarongsaris, Editor-in-Chief of Money and Banking Magazine, Asst. Prof. Dr. Nuttapon Nimmanphatcharin, President and CEO of the Digital Economy Promotion
B.Grimm has been honored with several rewards which are mentioned below: 1. The Best IPO 2017 in Thailand from The Asset Triple A Country Awards 2017 – The Asset Magazine 2. Best IPO Deal in Southeast Asia
Ceremony. The TTG Asia Travel Awards honored the best of the best in the Asia-Pacific travel trade. The award was voted by all the readers of TTG Asia, TTG China, TTG India, TTG mice, TTG-BTmice China, TTG