both the SEC and SET for 2025-2027. The meeting aimed to align the SEC and SET initiatives to enhance trust and confidence in the Thai capital market, embrace new innovations, and promote equal and
1Q 2018/19 MAY 2018 On 23 May 2018, VGI unveiled a new vision: “Pioneering Solutions for Tomorrow.” Having expanded its business offerings from the traditional offline OOH media to embrace an
to support the using of new technology in several activities in capital market, in particular fundraising, trading, and clearing and settlement. We believe that the embrace of innovation would promote
COVID-19 situation but also to build a robust foundation for generating growth and prosperity in the long run. _______________________
issues through the adoption of robust risk management frameworks that properly monitor, report, and verify ESG risks and opportunities. 1 Open Development Thailand: Environment and natural resources (https
embrace their obligations to act fully aligned in the interests of the company, or as institutional investors, to their beneficiaries or clients, over relevant time-horizons. As such, the Principles set out
. The overall result was positive with practical guidelines for handling issues of concerns and for developing robust capital markets across the region. We proposed for the roundtable discussion to be
The SEC Strategic Plan 2024–2026 prioritizes the strengthening of Thai capital market trust and highlighting the critical significance of investor confidence in cultivating a robust capital market
Investment Banking Club who have actively participated and contributed to our collaborative efforts to develop a reliable capital market as a robust fundraising platform that enhances the business sector’s
maybe. Families and guardians can make more specific and clearer educational plans for their children. ?However, such EMF schemes will touch upon tax policies and require robust monitoring and