MOU, the SEC and NIDA will jointly drive knowledge and curriculum development to enhance the quality of graduates to become workforce for public, private and capital market sectors. The collaboration
of One Report for better disclosure of ESG information, including human right issues and carbon emissions. This partnership will enhance the awareness of businesses to integrate sustainability into
On December 28, 2018, SEC together with the Legal Execution Department and the Department of Legal Execution, Office of the Attorney General, signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the benefit of legal execution against offenders. It is the integration of collaboration between the three agencies, supporting the functions of each agency including exchanging information, knowledge and expertise in the prevention of the transfer of property enabling the collection of assets of offenders or defen...
Bangkok, March 10, 2014 ? The SEC jointly with the Association of Investment Management Companies (AIMC), the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), the Thai Bankers? Association (TBA), the Association of International Banks (AIB), the Association of Securities Companies (ASCO), and the Thai Listed Companies Association (TLCA), launched a project called ?A thousand baht, Start a journey to your dream? to promote investment discipline among working-age population by conveniently investing at least 1,...
Microsoft Word - draft J _ IR 60 ชี้แจงผลการดำเนินงาน ปี 2560_ENG edit JAS Asset Management Discussion and Analysis for FS2017 Page1/4 - Translation - Ref. J61/001 22 February 2018 Subject
Microsoft Word - 2020.07.15_3M 2020_MACO_MDA_EN_Final - Auditor edit MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS FOR THE 3-MONTH ENDED MARCH 2020 (3M 2020) 15 JUL 2020 MASTER AD PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 1
Microsoft Word - MDA_2017Q2_TH_2003-edit ที่ CK-17-0000-AFD(AC)-L-0048 วันที่ 15 สิงหาคม 2560 เรื่อง คําชี้แจงผลการดาํเนินงานและฐานะทางการเงิน สําหรับงวดหกเดือนสิ้นสดุวันที่ 30 มิถุนายน 2560 เรียน