by such foreign company less 10% withholding tax to exclude such dividend from annual tax calculation. Previously, the SEC and SET discussed with the Revenue Department measures to help ease dividend
Bangkok, September 24, 2013 ? The SEC jointly with 13 alliances today signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to implement the ?Financial Literacy: Road to Thailand?s Prosperity? project which aims to raise public awareness in personal finance, retirement savings, accessibility to suitable financial products and services and investor right and protection. The 14 alliances include the SEC, the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC), the Social Security Office (SSO), the Government Pension Fund (...
The web contents are categorized into five key menus featuring more convenient user experience and easier accessibility, namely (1) About Us, (2) Laws and Regulations, (3) News and Market Data, (4) Investors, and (5) Filing of Reports and Applications. There are also shortcuts to frequently searched information. In addition, the new website improves the public hearing channel by offering easier access to consultation papers and more convenient participation in the hearing process. The webs...
Bangkok, August 1, 2007 ? The SEC and the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) co-hosted together with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) a high level international conference in Bangkok to explore strategies for greater cooperation among South East Asian equity markets. The 40 attendances are mainly from the public sector including senior officials of ASEAN Secretariat, Ministries of Finance, central banks, capital market regulators, stock exchanges and market practitioners from the region. T...
Bangkok, January 6, 2015 - The Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand (SEC) and the National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to form ?Academic Alliance? project to develop knowledge management for public and private sectors as well as economic, social and capital market development. The project aims at creating quality graduates through a variety of academic projects. Vorapol Socatiyanurak, SEC Secretary-General said, "This MOU sign...
On December 28, 2018, SEC together with the Legal Execution Department and the Department of Legal Execution, Office of the Attorney General, signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the benefit of legal execution against offenders. It is the integration of collaboration between the three agencies, supporting the functions of each agency including exchanging information, knowledge and expertise in the prevention of the transfer of property enabling the collection of assets of offenders or defen...
นางสาวรื่นวดี สุวรรณมงคล เลขาธิการ สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) พร้อมผู้บริหารและพนักงาน เข้าร่วมการประชุมเรื่อง “การยกระดับประสิทธิภาพภาครัฐเพื่ออำนวยความสะดวกในการประกอบธุรกิจ” ซึ่งจัดโดยสำนักงานพัฒนาระบบราชการ (ก.พ.ร.) และหน่วยงานภาครัฐ เพื่อร่วมขับเคลื่อน Doing Business 2021 ในทุกด้าน โดยนายธวัชชัย พิทยโสภณ ผู้ช่วยเลขาธิการ ก.ล.ต. บรรยายในหัวข้อ ผลการพัฒนาและการยกระดับประสิทธิภาพภาครัฐเพื่ออำนวยความสะดวกในการประกอบธุรกิจด้านการคุ้มครองผู้ลงทุนเสียงข้างน้อย (Pro...
ปี 2564 (Ease of Doing Business 2021) ตัวชี้วัดที่ 6 การคุ้มครองผู้ลงทุนเสียงข้างน้อย (Protecting Minority Investors) และได้เชิญผู้แทนจากสำนักงานศาลยุติธรรม กรมพัฒนาธุรกิจการค้า กระทรวงพานิชย์
Bangkok, March 10, 2014 ? The SEC jointly with the Association of Investment Management Companies (AIMC), the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), the Thai Bankers? Association (TBA), the Association of International Banks (AIB), the Association of Securities Companies (ASCO), and the Thai Listed Companies Association (TLCA), launched a project called ?A thousand baht, Start a journey to your dream? to promote investment discipline among working-age population by conveniently investing at least 1,...
Bangkok, September 26, 2013 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on compiling and standardizing the rules and guidelines concerning all types of capital market personnel for ease-of- use. The