แบบแสดงรายการข้อมูลการเสนอขายหลักทรัพย์ (UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force, and that this English translation is strictly for reference. 2 Registration Statement for Securities Offering (Form 69-1) Company: .......... (Name of Securities Offeror) ….....… Offers for Sale ....................................................................................................................................................... .................
physical illness or a mental disorder, the offeror of depositary receipts is not required to have such person affix his or her signature in the registration statement; (2) if the reason for such person to be
or mental disorder, the offeror would be exempted from arranging for such person to affix signature in the registration statement and draft prospectus; (2) in the case where the cause of the inability
-ร่าง- (UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) Codified up to No. 5 As of 28 September 2018 Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force, and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Jor. 14/2558 Re: Provisions relating to Offer for Sale of Securities Issued by Foreign Company Whose Shares Have Been Traded or Are Purposed to be Traded on Foreign Exchange ___________________ By virtue of Section 16/6 of the...
(UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) Codified up to No. 10 As of 28 February 2020 Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Jor. 3/2558 Re: Provisions relating to Offer for Sale of Shares Issued by Foreign Company Whose Shares Are Not Traded on Foreign Exchange _______________ By virtue of Sections 16/6 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) as...
มลูกค้าเป้าหมายได้มากขึน้ ' ffiffi,f h" ffi# ,,H-i t*i cei *.e r,ts i q{, , & i# ? ' -r ri' .;7 11! r ffi. Sfr :ilYi rx '& & wi{n :*- !# t# w sr's* w P1: lii: "i..*Y 'i .ft, it.; ' ,'! ?.i r r- _*- jH r
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/18 12 FEB 2018 Meanwhile, our Office Building and Other media segment revenue grew solidly, increasing by 47.3% to THB 81mn. Revenue growth in 3Q 2017/18 was mainly driven by Wi-fi project management
, increasing by 27.3% YoY to THB 338mn. Revenue growth in 2017/18 was mainly driven by the expansion of the office building media network as well as price increases, Wi-fi project management fee. During the past
ผูใ้หบ้รกิารไดว้างแผนกลยุทธก์ารขายโดยมุง่เน้นไปทีก่ลุ่มลูกคา้ทีม่คีุณภาพสูงขึ้นผนวกกบัผลติภณัฑด์งักล่าว อาท ิHome FibreLAN กล่องกระจายสญัญาณ Wi-Fi (Mesh Wi-Fi) อุปกรณ์ Smart IoT รวมถงึแพก็เกจทีอ่อกแบบเฉพาะ