SEC Deputy Secretary-General Sirivipa Supantanet stated that “this is the first study of audit adjustments in Thailand. This study presents errors in accounting transactions found by auditors which must be corrected, and the root cause analysis for such errors. The study also proposes recommendations on important factors which play an important role in the accurate preparation of financial statements from the origin, in order to enhance the quality of financial reporting. The study was co...
in material matters and the SEC had called for clarifications several times.* Later, EARTH hired two more Indonesian appraisers and disclosed the appropriate values of both coal mines at
its capital by offering securities to the public, Mr. Leophairatana, as the person responsible for the operation of TPIPL, permitted and agreed with Stern Steward & Co. (Thailand) LTD to disseminate
and major shareholder of WHA, disseminate news about the negotiation of purchase deal with other listed company by giving interview to The Press which may cause any other person to understand that the
statements, certain information appeared in the interview was different from that disclosed in the registration statement (filing form). The differences include the information on gross profit indicated at 10
Report Form 69-1 1 September 2020 Note : This annual registration statement / annual report (Form 56-1 One Report) contains minimum information required to be disclosed by the issuing company (“Company
Statement / Annual Report Form 56-1 One Report Form 69-1 1 September 2020 Note: This annual registration statement / annual report (Form 56-1 One Report) contains minimum information required to be disclosed
disclosed, the holders of the securities who have purchased the securities within one year from the effective date of the Registration Statement are entitled to claim damages from the issuer or the owner of
the person under Clause 6 is eligible for subscription of such securities: (a) offer for sale of securities in total amount to the following persons and disclosed in the registration statement and
is eligible for subscription of such securities: (a) 3offer for sale of securities in total amount to the following persons and disclosed in the registration statement and prospectus: 1. institutional