management companies and capital markets of both countries in the future.?I am delighted that the regulatory agencies of Thailand and Luxembourg signed a Memorandum of Understanding today,? said Dr. Vorapol
Committee?s viewpoint on entering into a contract between WAVE and PME to protect WAVE?s interest is also correspondent with that of IFA.The SEC urges WAVE shareholders to carefully study information, attend
delighted that we laid a firm foundation today for the stronger cooperation between the FSC and the SEC which celebrates its 20th anniversary of playing a vital role in the development of the Thai capital
, greener, more inclusive economy. I’m delighted, therefore, that we are today formalising our broad-based collaboration with the SEC.” About the ASEAN Low Carbon Energy ProgrammeThe ASEAN Low Carbon
, and we look forward to supporting continued progress in responsible investment in Thailand and beyond.”Ms. Monica Bae, Director of Investor Practice, AIGCC, added: “We are delighted to have our second
an attractive asset class by raising the disclosure standards among ASEAN members to an international level. I am delighted that Thailand along with Malaysia and Singapore are able to put this
raise the awareness of the importance of educating and protecting investors. The SEC is delighted to join this international campaign because we share the same objective as reflected in our continuing
, Secretary-General of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand said, ?I am delighted with this achievement. The ACMF is determined to create enabling environment in capital markets for our business
ACMF has made yet another big progress today.? The SEC Thailand is delighted to be able to be among the first three jurisdictions that sign this MOU.? This indicates our determination to bring efficiency
indispensable issue and the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019), which will be effective in 2021, states the direction thereof. The Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University is delighted to participate