ONE ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED|Cross Investing Fund | Offering Date : 08/07/2019 - 18/07/2019
บริษัท หลักทรัพย์จัดการกองทุน วรรณ จำกัด|กองทุนรวมที่มีนโยบายเปิดให้มีการลงทุนในกองทุนรวมอื่นภายใต้ บลจ. เดียวกัน | วันที่เสนอขาย : 08/07/2562 - 18/07/2562
Approval of Appraisal Company and Lead Appraiser Contributing [Asset Evaluation] for Capital Market Transaction
Approval of Appraisal Company and Lead Appraiser Contributing [Asset Evaluation] for Capital Market Transaction
reduce GHG emission from production process at least 50 kg/ton cement 19 Corporate Culture Stakeholders Delight L e a d e rs h ip C o m m it m e n t Q & Share
, nevertheless, make an opt-in request to do the suitability test for evaluation of their portfolio investments and transactions. The revised regulations will be effective as from April 1, 2014 (for details of the
, nevertheless, make an opt-in request to do the suitability test for evaluation of their portfolio investments and transactions. The revised regulations will be effective as from April 1, 2014 (for details of the
quality control systems. Of the total 32 audit firms, 53 percent received the Good to Very Good evaluation results – an improvement from 48 percent in 2019 and from 51 percent in 2020. In addition, seven