business. The Company divides its business into 4 categories as follows: 84.0% Dessert Café A N D D R I N K S • In-store menu sales across 44 outlets under “After You” • Take-home product sales at Dessert
dessert and bakery business. The Company divides its business into 4 categories as follows: 83.9% Dessert Café A N D D R I N K S • In-store menu sales across 51 outlets under “After You” • Take-home product
divides its business into 4 categories as follows: 83.6% Dessert Café A N D D R I N K S • In-store menu sales across 43 outlets under “After You” • Take-home product sales at Dessert Café branch and under
of 1H/2023 3 Dessert Café A N D D R I N K S Sales of Goods A N D R A W M A T E R I A L Catering, Events A N D P O P - U P Franchise F E E I N C O M E Operating Results O f t h e C o m p a n y
2 3 : S i gn i f i can t Even ts a n d B u s i n e s s D i r e c t i o n : Expanding branches of After You Dessert Café to meet higher demands During Q1/2023, the Company opened two more dessert cafe
was 64.8%, increased from 63.1% in 2022, mainly due to the increase in the revenue from dessert cafés as well as the Company's ability to manage costs effectively. G R O S S P R O F I T a n d G R O S S
decline in revenue from dessert café, which was attributed to the lower traffics in shopping malls and weaker consumption sentiment following COVID-19 concerns together with the closure of shopping malls
business. The Company divides its business into 4 categories as follows: 77% Dessert Café A N D D R I N K S • In-store menu sales across 41 outlets under “After You” • Take-home product sales at Dessert Café
Dessert Café A N D D R I N K S Sales of Goods A N D R A W M A T E R I A L Catering, Events A N D P O P - U P Franchise F E E I N C O M E Operating Results O f t h e C o m p a n y : Significant Events
increase was mainly from the increase in revenue from dessert café, which was attributed to the expansion of 6 new stores and a rise in Same-Store-Sale-Growth (SSSG) together with the increase in pop-up