2.03 27% Core EBITDA/t (US$/t)) 107 100 94 14% 97 86 13% Net Operating Debt to Equity 0.84 0.80 0.99 0.84 0.99 Note: (1) Consolidated financials are based upon elimination of intra-company (or intra
. How- ever, in many markets individuals and their families are dominant shareholders (for example, in Hong Kong, China). These individuals or families may control a large group of companies, with
Integrated PET 89% 88% 93% -331bps 87% 90% -320bps Fibers 93% 91% 97% -410bps 92% 92% 44bps Packaging 80% 76% 61% 1,968bps 70% 59% 1,918bps Integrated Oxides and Derivatives 75% 22% 94% -1,885 bps 70% 102
areas, with a relatively comprehensive framework and high levels of compliance. However, it also finds some gaps: 2 principle are implemented at 50 (out of a 100 percent) or less, and 14 at 75 or less
electronic media prescribed by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology by publishing in the Government Gazette; and (3) be in accordance with Section 100 of the Public Limited Company Act, B.E