Microsoft Word - Ref FPI.012.2018 Addition -1.doc Ref. FPI.012/2018 26 April 2018 Subject Acquisition of up to 40% shares of total paid-up capital in TSE Overseas Group Company Limited (Addition) To
Microsoft Word - Ref FPI.012.2018 Addition -09.05.2018.doc Ref. FPI.012/2018 26 April 2018 Subject Acquisition of up to 40% shares of total paid-up capital in TSE Overseas Group Company Limited
2Q2018 mainly from higher revenue of chicken processing business which increased by THB 382.40 million or 21.46% up comparing to 2Q2018 mainly from higher revenue from domestic sales of chicken parts. The
million in 2Q2018, representing a decrease of THB 182.87 million or 4.39% down from 2Q2017 mainly from lower revenue of chicken processing business which decreased by THB 126.79 million or 6.73% down
from fish feed. In addition, revenue from processed food segment decreased by THB 118.22 million or 14.30 down from 2017 and revenue from chicken processing segment decreased by THB 8.69 million or 0.12
processing. In addition, our 2 associated companies have helped to produce cooked chicken products that have mutual agreement with customers. Impact from COVID-19 pandemic The Company have closely monitored
material price and the growth in chicken export volume. In addition, the consolidated EBITDA in 2Q2017 was THB 869 million, an increase of THB 148 million or increased by 20.54% from 2Q2016. In accordance
, increased by THB 216.72 million or 1.30% up from 2018. Revenue from chicken processing segment increased by THB 327.35 million or 4.34% up from 2018. In addition, revenue from feed segment increased by THB
revenue of chicken processing business which increased by THB 220. 50 million or 10. 80% up comparing to 3Q2018 mainly from higher revenue from domestic sales of chicken parts and indirect export of chicken
50.84 million or 1.46% down from 1Q2017 mainly from decreasing in sales volume of chicken export and feed. In addition, the market price of corn increased from THB 8.00 per kilogram in 1Q2017 to THB 9.90