business, featuring both house brand – separate by Apparel under brand Inco, Cheval, Sleep Mate, ETC brand, Non- Apparel under brand Cherish, Prim, Rollica, Cushy, etc., and other brand products. The Company
business, featuring both house brand – separate by Apparel under brand Inco, Cheval, Sleep Mate, ETC brand, Non- Apparel under brand Cherish, Prim, Rollica, Cushy, etc., and other brand products. To date
ใตแ้บรนด ์Cherish, Prim, Rollica, Cushy เป็นตน้ และตราสนิคา้อืน่ๆ บรษัิทไดปิ้ดสาขาหาดใหญ่ตัง้แต่วันที ่1 กรกฎาคม 2563 เพือ่เพิม่ ประสทิธภิาพผลประกอบการของบรษัิทใหด้ยีิง่ขึน้ ปัจจุบันบริษัทมสีาขาทัง้ส ิน้
ใตแ้บรนด ์Cherish, Prim, Rollica, Cushy เป็นตน้ และตราสนิคา้อืน่ๆ ปัจจุบันบรษัิทมสีาขาทัง้ส ิน้ 12 สาขา ไดแ้ก ่สาขาเพชรบรุี สาขา กาญจนบุรี สาขาพัทยา สาขาปากชอ่ง สาขาสงิหบ์ุร ีสาขาหัวหนิ สาขาศรีราชา สาขา
intended to strengthen the capacity, expertise and international competitiveness of financial markets and the funds industry in the region.Implementation ProgressThe participating economies have progressed
the project has progressed 99.84% (The construction plan was 100%). Consequently, the project was completed and its operation started on July 20, 2017. - Banpong Utilities Company Limited, (EGCO holds a
Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) concerning its electricity generation output. The construction of the project has progressed 97.99% (The construction plan was 97.46%). The commercial operation date is
progressed 91.58% (The construction plan was 91.70%). The commercial operation date is scheduled in the fourth quarter of 2019. - SBPL Project, a project of San Buenaventura Power Ltd., Co., (EGCO holds a 49
Electricite Du Laos (EDL) with the contracted capacity of 60 MW for 29 years. The construction of the project has progressed 98.78% (The construction plan was 98.30%). The commercial operation date is scheduled
with EGAT with the contracted capacity of 1,220 MW and Electricite De Laos (EDL) with the contracted capacity of 60 MW for 29 years. The construction of the project has progressed 94.37% (The