business, featuring both house brand – separate by Apparel under brand Inco, Cheval, Sleep Mate, ETC brand, Non- Apparel under brand Cherish, Prim, Rollica, Cushy, etc., and other brand products. The Company
business, featuring both house brand – separate by Apparel under brand Inco, Cheval, Sleep Mate, ETC brand, Non- Apparel under brand Cherish, Prim, Rollica, Cushy, etc., and other brand products. To date
ใตแ้บรนด ์Cherish, Prim, Rollica, Cushy เป็นตน้ และตราสนิคา้อืน่ๆ บรษัิทไดปิ้ดสาขาหาดใหญ่ตัง้แต่วันที ่1 กรกฎาคม 2563 เพือ่เพิม่ ประสทิธภิาพผลประกอบการของบรษัิทใหด้ยีิง่ขึน้ ปัจจุบันบริษัทมสีาขาทัง้ส ิน้
ใตแ้บรนด ์Cherish, Prim, Rollica, Cushy เป็นตน้ และตราสนิคา้อืน่ๆ ปัจจุบันบรษัิทมสีาขาทัง้ส ิน้ 12 สาขา ไดแ้ก ่สาขาเพชรบรุี สาขา กาญจนบุรี สาขาพัทยา สาขาปากชอ่ง สาขาสงิหบ์ุร ีสาขาหัวหนิ สาขาศรีราชา สาขา
cost under the operation of CBD was affected by the rising costs of key raw material price and packaging costs including sugar, taurine, caffeine, guarana and amber glass bottles as well as conversion
product-related taxes. Whereas, key raw materials for production of amber glass bottle include cullet, soda ash, sand, and other raw materials. The two components combined make up to 63% of total cost of
, can lids, other packaging and product-related taxes. Whereas, key raw materials for production of amber glass bottle include cullet, soda ash, sand, and other raw materials. The two components combined
) glass bottles, bottle caps, aluminum cans, can lids, other packaging and product-related taxes. Whereas, key raw materials for production of amber glass bottle include cullet, soda ash, sand, and other
) glass bottles, bottle caps, aluminum cans, can lids, other packaging and product-related taxes. Whereas, key raw materials for production of amber glass bottle include cullet, soda ash, sand, and other
House hotels The major renovation of Vienna House Easy Cracow, Vienna House Easy Bucharest, Vienna House Diplomat Prague and Vienna House Amber Baltic were completed and returned to operation in 2Q 2019