Bangkok, November 21, 2008 ? The SEC has eased its regulations to allow margin loan refinancing among securities firms, given that they have put in place adequate risk management mechanism. The
preventive measures on risk arising from abnormal trading as follows: Shares prohibited from margin loan and net settlement should be applied only to 1. shares with one-week turnover ratio of 100% or over
This is in response to news on a website stated that the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will prohibit margin loans and net settlement for shares having turnover ratio of more
The rules on margin lending (margin account) which have been in effect since 1997 permit SC to lend money to its customer only for the purpose of purchasing listed securities on a condition that
Currently, securities companies provide margin loan services to investors to enhance opportunities for higher returns on investments. However, the SEC has observed that many stocks used as
because the first quarter of year 2019, the Company engaged in marketing public relations project worth Baht 19.1 million which was lower profit margin that the media and agency projects in this year. 3
Re: Initial and Maintenance Margin Requirements for Derivatives Trading in Derivatives Exchange
Initial and Maintenance Margin Requirements for Derivatives Trading in Derivatives Exchange
less than 7% of general liabilities and clients? margin for derivatives transactions. Margin Requirements: Derivatives agents must clearly determine (1) open position limit for each client, and (2) rate
/ Margin 31.00 26.56% 30.26 26.21% Net Profit / Margin 5.30 4.54% 7.52 6.51% Revenue from sales and services The Company’s sales and services revenue was reduced by THB 1.22 million or equivalent to 1.05