SEC has revised rules to make it easier for companies to engage in this business, for example, abolishing the rule requiring unit-selling agents to sell investment units of different management
criminal complaint against Roynet Plc. (Roynet) and Kittipat Yaoprukse for falsifying account to deceive other persons, recording false statement, concealing the report on buying and selling of securities
Facebook Page ชื่อ Buying good stocks : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 18/07/2024)
SEC plans to issue additional requirements relating to the structure of the Board of Directors and Management of IPO companies and listed companies to the current regulations on the check and balance system (for example, independent directors and audit committee members) that will enhance the image and create confidence for the Thai capital markets. In addition, this approach is in line with the principles of corporate governance (CG), which has been adopted since 2002 by most IPO companies...
Facebook Page ชื่อ Buying good stocks - ยังไม่ได้รับใบอนุญาตธุรกิจหลักทรัพย์/สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า (วันที่เปิดเผยข้อมูล : 18/07/2567)
143,840,400 and actual buying & selling price of the land that is located nearby which is approximate Bath 276,912,000 - 338,448,000 by the company using the maximum price is the price of the actual trading of
ที่ กม Translation No. Gor.Mor. 42/2560 October 10, 2017 President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Dear Madam, Approval for Buying Land for Investment Purposes The Board Meeting of O.C.C. Public
Sanction Miss Ponpimon Laochariyakul Buying or selling securities for her own benefit by using clients? accounts
per shares Baht 9.645 Total Buying price : 72.34 Million Baht Proportion of holding shares in WPS Before buying shares : 84.50% After buying shares in this time : 99.50% 4. The shareholding structure
relationship and are not related persons of the Company. 3. Details of transactions Type of securities : Ordinary shares Number of share : 250,000 shares with price per shares Baht 9.645 Total Buying price