major bounce back from the lows of 2020, reaching a high of over US$65 in March 2021. Led by China, consumer demand is booming and commodities are experiencing what some even call a super cycle, which in
, reducing recruitment and training costs. • 74% of LGBTI consumers are more likely to support businesses they perceive as inclusive, enhancing brand loyalty and expanding market reach. SEC Classification
perceive the client ’s investment objective, knowledge, understanding and experience regarding securities investment in conjunction with the consideration of securities dealing transactions and giving of
ability. In case of a retail client, the securities company shall arrange sufficient information or evidentiary documentation to perceive the client’s investment objective, knowledge, understanding and
ใด ๆ เน่ืองจำกผู้ลงทุน perceive ว่ำ กองทุนรวมตรำสำรหนี้เป็นกองทุนที่มี นโยบำยกำรลงทุนในทรัพย์สินที่มีลักษณะเป็นตรำสำรหนี้ หลักเกณฑ์จึง ก ำหนดให้กองทุนรวมตรำสำรหนี้ต้องลงทุนใน pure หนี้ ≥ 80% ของ NAV