Bangkok, October 27, 2015 - The SEC urges shareholders of Superblock Public Company Limited (SUPER) to thoroughly study the solar cell power plant investment project before casting votes at the
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size after orientation changes in IE on Windows Phone and in iOS. // 5. Setting @viewport causes scrollbars to overlap content in IE11 and Edge, so // we force a non-overlapping, non-auto-hiding
. Exchange-traded instruments !0"'/+1 1.1 ! "# $#II$(0 K$1)("0 !'+3 S/ $ "0$S&K$1))+3 S$ ."#1 ( long position (.(6.#K$1+rEE (current bid price) #1 3 short position (.(6.#)+rEE (current offer price) #1
and offer orders* and matching bid and offer orders among themselves through the securities trading accounts of Atthavut, Sujeera and Piliaipit. Additionally, Piliaipit allowed Atthavut and Sujeera
offer orders* and matching bid and offer orders among themselves through the securities trading accounts of Atthavut, Sujeera and Piliaipit. Additionally, Piliaipit allowed Atthavut and Sujeera to use her
future projects. In terms of the progress on Delisting Tender Offer of GLOW, the process was completed on 2 December 2019 and GLOW has been delisted from being listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand on
future growth plans. In terms of the progress on Tender Offer of Glow Energy Public Company Limited (GLOW), after the company have completed the Mandatory Tender Offer from GLOW which ended on the 22nd May
ราคาเสนอซื้อปจจุบัน (current bid price) ณ สิ้นวันที่รายงาน และกรณี short position ใหใชราคาเสนอขายปจจุบัน (current offer price) ณ สิ้นวนัที่รายงาน หากไมมีราคาเสนอซื้อปจจุบันหรือราคาเสนอขายปจจุบัน
ถัวเฉลี่ย (average current bid price) กรณี short position ให้ใช้ราคาเสนอขาย ปัจจุบันถัวเฉลี่ย (average current offer price) 2.4.2 ราคาทางทฤษฎี (theoretical price) ให้คำนวณโดยใช้ pricing models ภายใต้