aspects of biases comprising (1) emotional or preference biases: focusing on present rather than future incidents; (2) belief bias: making conclusion based on too small sample size while associated risks
virtual integration with its key feedstock supplier of Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA). This acquisition in Brazil is in line with the Company’s strategy to further extend its market position, and expand
ตนัตอ่ปี ซึง่มีพืน้ท่ีตัง้ทางยทุธศาสตร์ที่เหมาะสมและได้รับประโยชน์จาก การท างานร่วมกนัแบบบรูณาการแบบเสมือน (Virtual Integration) กบัผู้ผลติวตัถดุิบหลกัที่ส าคญัอยา่ง Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) การ
. Description of transaction: Both Indorama Netherlands B.V. (INBV) and PT. Indorama Synthetics Tbk. (PTIRS) are JV partners with 50 % share each in PT. Indorama Petrochemicals, Indonesia a producer of Purified
SEC strictly follows its mission of fairness with out any bias or singling out the case, Mr. Phuvanatnaranubala concluded.?
advice with bias, not based on professional standards, and without supporting studies/researches or imparting rumors. For {E}, his action was considered using client account to trade securities for the
IVL now categorizes its businesses in five segments. This section of the document will discuss the performance of these five segments. Integrated PET Full PET value chain PX (Paraxylene), PTA (Purified
categorizes its businesses in three segments. This section of the document will discuss the performance of these three segments. Combined PET Integrated PET Full PET value chain PX (Paraxylene), PTA (Purified
(Paraxylene), PTA (Purified terephthalic acid), PET (Polyethylene terephthalate), and Recycling Specialty Chemicals Specialty PET-related chemicals (for medical, premium bottles, films and sheets); PIA
Petrochemicals ประเทศอินโดนีเซยี ซึง่เป็นผู้ผลติวตัถดุิบ Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) โดย INBV ได้ท าเข้าสญัญาคอลออปชัน่ (Call Options Agreement) กบั PTIRS เมื่อวนัที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน 2554 ทีใ่ห้สทิธิ INBV ในการ