On 22 September 2022, the Capital Market Supervisory Board Meeting No. 10/2565 passed a resolution approving the proposed amendments to the regulations related to establishment and relocation of offices or branches of business operators in accordance with the Regulatory Guillotine to increase flexibility and streamline processes and operating burdens on the business sector. Essentially, the proposed amendments would: (1) apply the same auto approval principles for the establishment of...
relocating its production lines of sauces and condiments to its new factory, so during such period, the new factory was in the early stage of production; therefore, the production was unable to run efficiently
physical count of inventories of company and subsidiary as at December 31, 2016 by DIA International Audit. The Company net profit of 332.37 million baht which increase 253.44 million bath or 321% by
. Other income for 2018 are 4.65 million baht compare to 3.44 million bath last year, with 1.21 million baht or 35.17% increase compare to the same period of previous year due to an interest received from
%, which resulted from the company had increase the revenue from flexible packaging. Other income for Q1, 2019 are 1.69 million baht compare to 0.82 million bath last year, with 0.87 million baht or 106.10
year. Other income for Q2, 2019 are 0.66 million baht which comparable to 0.84 million bath last year with no significantly transaction changes. 2. Cost of sale , Profit margin For Quarter2 of the year
margin For year ended December 31, 2019, the company had cost of sales at 402.91 million bath compare to 396.52 million baht last year with the increasing of 6.39 million bath or 1.61% increased, while
bath or 544 % and Cost of sales of 0.75 million baht increase 0.61 million bath or 442% From sale of electricity from solar energy. 2. Cost from decoration service at 696.76 million baht compared with
0.76 increase 0.65 million bath or 619 % and Cost of sales of 0.43 million baht increase 0.40 million bath or 1,478% From sale of electricity from solar energy. 2. Cost from decoration service at 428.69
Company's operating results in the third quarter ended September 30, 2018 has loss in amount of Baht 9.64 million (loss per share Bath 0.96), compared to the same period of last year which had loss of Baht