Property Rights of INVISTA Textiles (U.K.) Limited with regards to its barrier technology. PolyShield® PET and OxyClear® Barrier PET are well known brands in oxygen barrier packaging. The IRFG plant is
& Fibers GmbH, Germany (“IRFG”); and certain Intellectual Property Rights of INVISTA Textiles (U.K.) Limited with regards to its barrier technology. IVL would like to inform that all formalities with regards
and collect fees or service charges in accordance with the rules, conditions and procedures as specified by the board of directors of the Securities Exchange. In operating the business of securities
and collect fees or service charges in accordance with the rules, conditions and procedures as specified by the board of directors of the Securities Exchange. In operating the business of securities
GmbH ในประเทศเยอรมนั (“IRFG”) และรวมถึงสิทธิในทรัพย์สินทางปัญญาบางส่วนของบริษัท INVISTA Textiles (U.K.) Limited ที่เก่ียวกับเทคโนโลยี Barrier นัน้ บริษัทขอเรียนให้ทราบวา่การเข้าซือ้กิจการดงักลา่วได้ด า
เยอรมนั (“IRFG”) และรวมถึงสทิธิใน ทรัพย์สนิทางปัญญาบางสว่นของบริษัท INVISTA Textiles (U.K.) Limited ที่เก่ียวกบัเทคโนโลยี Barrier ซึง่แบรนด์ PolyShield® PET และ OxyClear® Barrier PET เป็นท่ีรู้จกักนัเป็
Section 130 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 130. Upon the dissolution of the mutual fund, the securities company shall appoint a liquidator to collect and distribute assets to the
Section 130 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 130. Upon the dissolution of the mutual fund, the securities company shall appoint a liquidator to collect and distribute assets to the
to collect, use or disclose personal information on the legal basis of public interest in accordance with Section 24(4), Paragraph 1(2) of Section 25, and Section 27 of the Personal Data Protection Act
to collect, use or disclose personal information on the legal basis of public interest in accordance with Section 24(4), Paragraph 1(2) of Section 25, and Section 27 of the Personal Data Protection Act