Reporting Person : - | Type of securities : - | Date of reporting obligation : 08/07/2003
Reporting Person : - | Type of securities : - | Date of reporting obligation : 19/09/2007
Reporting Person : - | Type of securities : - | Date of reporting obligation : 19/09/2007
Management Name : Mr KOH BAN HENG | Type of securities : Common share | Methods of Acquisition / Disposition : Buy | Transaction Date : 16/11/2015
Management Name : Mr KOH BAN HENG | Type of securities : Common share | Methods of Acquisition / Disposition : Sell | Transaction Date : 16/05/2016
handle their complaints sufficiently and efficiently while protecting the clients’ best interest. ____________________
ระดับประสิทธิภาพภาครัฐเพื่ออำนวยความสะดวกในการประกอบธุรกิจด้านการคุ้มครองผู้ลงทุนเสียงข้างน้อย (Protecting Minority Investors) พร้อมกันนี้ ก.ล.ต. ยังร่วมจัดนิทรรศการหัวข้อการคุ้มครองผู้ลงทุนเสียงข้างน้อย
shareholder and is entitled to rights as a corporate owner. The shareholders control the corporation through Protecting-Minority-Investors
&indent=true&facet=true&facet.field=key_filetype&facet.field=key_sitemap&facet.field Protecting
No. 21, six levels higher than No. 27 in the preceding year, and No. 5 within the Asia-Pacific region. Two areas of better performances were (1) Dealing with Construction Permits and (2) Protecting