compromising appropriate investor protection and convenience for business operation.The SEC therefore proposes to amend the regulations related to granting of approval to appraisal companies and lead
Approval of Appraisal Company and Lead Appraiser Contributing [Asset Evaluation] for Capital Market Transaction
Approval of Appraisal Company and Lead Appraiser Contributing [Asset Evaluation] for Capital Market Transaction
Professionals > Appraiser Regulations SHARE : Detail Content Ap praiser Due to the information relating to asset appraisal regarding capital market transaction is significant and has impact on making
Investments in debt and net equity securities It shall disclose the rule of fair value assessment of each category of investments in debt and net equity securities namely cost price, price writing-off cost
after using finish property, plant and equipment and in case of using value assessment as revaluation, it shall identify rules of assets appraisal. 3.11 Intangible assets It shall disclose a valuation
net equity securities It shall disclose the rule of fair value assessment of each category of investments in debt and net equity securities namely cost price, price writing-off cost, current
. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. SorChor. 24/2555 Re: Approval of Appraisal Company and Lead Appraiser Contributing [Asset Evaluation] for Capital Market Transaction
annual registration statement of the fund.In addition, asset management companies and trust managers are required to disclose the latest asset appraisal report and appraisal review report within 30