Bangkok, November 5, 2008 ? The SEC instructed Natural Park Public Company Limited (N-Park) to adjust its Q2/2008 financial statements regarding the issue of the lawsuit filed against the company by
The SEC approved rules on undertaking derivatives fund management business for derivatives fund mangers who provide services to the general investors, mutual funds, private funds, and provident funds
Siripongpairoj, Sakda Pannitamai and Saroj Klumdang for undertaking derivatives business in Thailand without license causing 23.98 million baht damages.In response to several complaints that during February 2008
requiring the company to file with the SEC monthly progress report.SEC Secretary-General Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala revealed that ?the CMSB concurred to extend the due date for undertaking out-of-court
Bangkok, November 27, 2012 ? The SEC filed a criminal complaint with the Economic Crime Division of the Royal Thai Police (ECD Police) against five companies, namely(1) Silver Line Trading Intertrade Co., Ltd., (2) Diamond and Silverline Group Co., Ltd., (3) K.N.O. Marketing Co., Ltd., (4) M.B. Network Co., Ltd., and (5) P.T. Research Co., Ltd., along with four related persons, namely (1) Jaray Chanchaisilp, directors of Silver Line Trading Intertrade Co., Ltd. and Diamond and Silverline Group C...
with them. Some even gave authorization for the companies? staff to submit trading orders on their behalf.The said actions were deemed as undertaking derivatives business without license in contravention
Pursuant to the proposed amendments, the fee for undertaking a derivatives exchange business would be determined at the rate of 0.05 baht per contract per side for trades executed within the
Approval for Undertaking of Derivatives Business