Bangkok, November 5, 2008 ? The SEC instructed Natural Park Public Company Limited (N-Park) to adjust its Q2/2008 financial statements regarding the issue of the lawsuit filed against the company by
than the increasing of sales as a result of upwardly adjust in raw material price and soften economic of scale of the plastic packaging business. 2 3. Selling and administrative expenses was increased by
the Q2 of the previous fiscal year or 5.39%. The cost increased more than the increasing of sales as a result of upwardly adjust in raw material price and soften economic of scale of the plastic
219.27 million Baht from the Q3 of the previous fiscal year or 14.01%. The cost increased more than the increasing of sales as a result of upwardly adjust in raw material price and soften economic of scale
comparison during year 2019 which is a guideline that can be done according to the requirements of the said financial reporting standards thus group of company choose to adjust list of cumulative happened from
, decreased by Baht 261.97 million or 69.46% as compared to the same period of last year which incurred at Baht 377.16 million. The main cause is the sale volume decreased from the government’s policy to adjust
the price of main raw material which increased in accordance to the global market price. As a result, Thailand has the volume of exports of palm oil more than the same period of the last year. Although
Thailand. E-mail: บริษัท เอไอ เอนเนอร์จี จ ำกดั (มหำชน) AI Energy Public Company Limited ทะเบียนเลขที่ 0107556000311 affected from the government’s policy to adjust the biodiesel mandatory
increased by 584.64 million Baht from the year of the previous fiscal year or 9.27%. The cost increased more than the increasing of sales as a result of upwardly adjust in raw material price and soften
last year which incurred at Baht 265.25 million. The main cause is the sale volume decreased from the government’s policy to adjust the biodiesel ทีตงั 55/2 หมู ่8 ถ. เศรษฐกิจ 1 ต.คลองมะเดือ อ.กระทุ่มแบน