necessary for fulfilling the duties of the mutual fund supervisor.
necessary for fulfilling the duties of the mutual fund supervisor.
, the total size of transactions does not exceed 15% of CPN
. Furthermore, it seeks to enhance the efficiency of bondholders’ representatives in fulfilling their duties and bolster the credibility and protection of debt securities investors. The SEC and ThaiBMA are
ecosystem to ensure that investors have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the subordinated perpetual bond by (1) revising the risk acknowledgment form for clearer and easier presentation including
?Persistence of Equity Mutual Fund Performance in Thailand? evaluated whether or not the performance of Thai equity funds persist. Good mutual funds should provide both returns satisfying investment goals of
’ acknowledgment or consent. _________________________Notes:* At-The-Open order (ATO) is an order to buy or sell securities at the session’s opening price. Trading orders of this kind are sent during pre-open
and innovations to facilitate fast and convenient market access, more efficient cost management of existing and new intermediaries in fulfilling investors? demands, enhancing market supervisory
convenient market access, more efficient cost management of existing and new intermediaries in fulfilling investors? demands, enhancing market supervisory standards, and corporate reform to streamline
companies which need to inform SET and circulate to their shareholders for acknowledgment within 21 days from the date informed SET. 13. Board of Directors’ Opinion : Agreed to approve buying the land for