(Seven hundred sixty-one million three hundred eleven thousand two hundred and eleven baht). The sale of Shares and the transfer of claims in relation to the Outstanding Loans as mentioned above the
improvement of the unemployment rate, compared from the previous quarter. In addition, in term of the currency, Thai Baht and other currencies get stronger again US Dollar. However, due to the capital, and
inflation rate in the first quarter of 2018 increased parallel with the domestic oil price at 0.42 percent in February and 0.79 percent in March. Moreover, there is an improvement of the unemployment rate
branches. In addition, there was growth in sales through modern trade channels, particularly convenience stores such as 7-Eleven, which began product distribution in July 2024. R E V EN UE : • The Company’s
paperless banking services via electronic machines. Under this initiative, basic banking counters are used for providing other services instead. Meanwhile, KBank Service appointed the 7-Eleven convenience
(Eleven million) as per information memorandum on entering into the transaction for acquisition the Associate Company’s ordinary shares No.PorBor.050/2019 dated December 27, 2019. (3) Acquisition of
land to Saha Pathana Inter-Holding Plc. 1.1 Characteristics and Details of Transaction 7 1.2 Reasonableness of the Transaction 13 1.3 Fairness of Price and Conditions of the Transaction 15 Section 2
improvement in the Thai capital market.Among all companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and Market for Alternative Investment (mai), 475 or 90 percent of them participated in the assessment
restaurants. "After You” collaborating with “Nestlé Extreme” to Launch “Shibuya Honey Toast Ice Cream” at 7-Eleven stores nationwide In June 2024, the Company collaborated with Nestlé (Thai) Limited to launch
EXPRESSWAY AND METRO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 7 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 18/10/2022 09:23 Schedule for the EGM No. 1/2022 and IM Concerning the Acquisition of Assets