and Subsidiaries hereafter refer as (the “Company”) would like to clarify the Company’s operating results of the second quarter of 2020 ended June 30, 2020. The Company had the net profit of 0.23
/2019 or decreased 0.23% from sales due to more efficiency of management cost. - Selling and administrative expenses of Q3/2018 was 8.76% of sale, increased to 9.20% in Q3/2019 or increase of 0.44% due to
EBITDA ratio) (เท่า) 4.84 ความสามารถในการช าระภาระผกูพนั (debt service coverage ratio : DSCR) (เท่า) 0.23 หน้ีสินรวมต่อส่วนของผูถื้อหุน้รวม (debt to equity : D/E ratio) (เท่า) 0.76 หน้ีสินมีภาระดอกเบี้ยต่อ
-59,370 136 -0.23% Administrative expenses -62,446 -53,366 -9,080 17.01% -21,476 -18,565 -2,911 15.68% Finance Costs -508 -22,457 21,949 -97.74% -336 -6,927 6,591 -95.15% Total -1,027,117 -971,012 -56,105
. The cost of sales for the nine-months ended Sep 30, 2019 amounted to 21.25 million baht. (2018: amounting to 21.05 million baht) cost of sales increased by 0.23 million baht (ratio 1.09) due to cost of
activity amount 83.23 Million Bah, net cash from the investment amount (16.93 MB.), net cash from Financial Activities amount (40.23 MB.), load repayment 40 MB. and interest 0.23 MB. Please be informed
cash from operation activity amount 165.55 Million Bah, net cash from the investment amount (25.76 MB.), net cash from Financial Activities amount (40.23 MB.), loan repayment 40 MB. and interest 0.23 MB
or 2.20% in Q2/2019 decreased Baht 0.23 Million or 3.78% due to portion of more using short term fund than long term fund so that the interest rate is lower. Please be informed accordingly. Yours
cumulative value of 0.23%, which is accounts for less than 15%; therefore, no obligation to disclose the information in pursuant to the Notification of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, Re: Disclosure of
ไตรมาส 3/2561 ลดลงเป็นร้อยละ 89.06 ในไตร มาส 3/2562 หรือลดลงร้อยละ 0.23 จากยอดขาย เกิดจากการบริหารตน้ทุนท่ีมีประสิทธิภาพ - ค่าใชจ่้ายขายและบริหารจากเดิมร้อยละ 8.76 ในไตรมาส 3/2561 เพ่ิมข้ึนเป็นร้อยละ 9.20