duties are related to inside information, including employees, workers or colleagues of the aforesaid persons who hold a position or is in the line of work involved in the performance of duties related to
duties are related to inside information, including employees, workers or colleagues of the aforesaid persons who hold a position or is in the line of work involved in the performance of duties related to
company Regulatory Summary Objectives EJIP is a program which creates returns for directors and employees to create motivation to work and build the sense of ownership of the company. It is similar to
English (United States) EmployeeJointInvestmentProgram and employees to create motivation to work and build the sense of ownership of the company. It is similar to ESOP (the difference is that EJIP is
Market Supervisory Board No. TorJor 32/2551 Re: Offer for Sale of Newly Issued Securities to Directors or Employees (Codified) Related Forms Checklist for ESOP by a non-listed subsidiary for the offer
, executives, employees of the issuer, the directors and executives of the affiliated companies. Such criteria shall be approved by the board of directors of the issuer where the clients suitability and