increased Baht 148.4 million. 4. Inventories increased Baht 69.8 million, mainly caused by increased of work in process Baht 45.2 million, raw materials Baht 21.7 million, supplies Baht 28.6 million
million, mainly caused by increased of finished goods Baht 330.4 million, work in process Baht 14.7 million, raw materials Baht 53.7 million, supplies Baht 38.7 million, and decreased of goods in transit
by increased of finished goods Baht 275.25 million, work in process Baht 1.25 million, raw materials Baht 16.69 Baht, supplies Baht 29.55 million and goods in transit Baht 6.13 million. -2- 5
million, mainly caused by increased of finished goods Baht 389.1 million, work in process Baht 72.1 million, raw materials Baht 68.4 million, supplies Baht 22.5 million, and decreased of goods in transit
16.4 million. 3. Revenue Department receivable increased Baht 18.0 million. 4. Inventories decreased Baht 308.2 million, mainly caused by decreased of finished goods Baht 100.7 million, work in process
increased of finished goods Baht 65.4 million, goods in transit Baht 16.8 million, decreased of work in process Baht 32.8 million, raw materials Baht 61.2 million and supplies Baht 3.3 million. 5. Maintenance
sale, and the inventory increase Baht 18.16 million , because reserve of raw material for new product and work in process increase by customer order. 1.2 Non current asset as at December 31, 2017 amount
- Purchase of products/ raw materials - Sale of products/ raw materials - Hire of work expenses 1.53 0.07 0.20 0.38 0.00 - 6. International Laboratories Corp., Ltd. B - Purchase of products/ raw materials
from the private sector and the government slowed down. There is intense competition. The cost of goods increases from the labor cost that the company must bear. In the second quarter of 2019, the
, which announced in the Royal Gazette on April 5th, 2019. This Labor Protection Act stipulates that the severance pay not less than the wage for the work performed in the last 400 days will be eligible to