) - Water Infrastructure (2018) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Wind (2017) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Building (2018) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Solar (2013) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Solar V 2.1 ENG THAI (unofficial
) - Water Infrastructure (2018) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Wind (2017) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Building (2018) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Solar (2013) ENG THAI (unofficial) - Solar V 2.1 ENG THAI (unofficial
. เสวนา “ Brand New Wind – Impact of Fintech on Financial and Academic Sectors " ดร. กรินทร์ บุญเลิศวณิชย์ รองกรรมการผู้จัดการ ธนาคารกสิกรไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) รศ. ดร. คณิสร์ แสงโชติ คณะพาณิชยศาสตร์และการบัญชี
business relationship, investment, or administration and management of the issuer, for example, customers, suppliers of raw materials, potential business partners of the issuer, the affiliated companies of
and managing negative impact on the environment from all aspects of the company’s operations, including in the context of raw material use, energy use, water use, renewable resources use, rehabilitating