. However, as market volatility moved back towards more normal levels and the market started to be more positive since May 2020. Both the Company’s DW business and the other trading returns have improved. As
volatility described above, the Company remains confident in the long-term potential of the DW business. As market volatility declines we expect the DW business to return to normal. Please be informed
ไดรบัอนุญาต ตองจัดใหมีการเปดเผยขอมูลเพื่อเปรียบเทียบคาความผันผวนแฝง (implied volatility) กับคาความผันผวนในอดีต (historical volatility) บน website ของผูออก DW โดยเปนการเปดเผย อยางตอเนื่อง
to conform with the government’s preventive measures. The Company and subsidiaries are still be able to operate as normal. However, under the uncertainty and highly fluctuate market during this COVID
% Company total revenue on 1st quarter of year 2020 increased 11.11 percent from the same period of last year. Main attributions are increasing in sale quantities from 2nd production line that reach normal
เปดเผยสูตรการคํานวณราคา และ factor ที่ใชในการคํานวณตาม แนวทางที่ IB club กําหนด เห็นดวยตามหลักการที่เสนอ - 2. การเปดเผยขอมูล historical volatility ไวในแบบ filing ไมเห็นดวยเน่ืองจากขอมูลดังกล
borderless marketplace of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Given the increased degree of uncertainty in global economies, especially pressure from a looming trade war among core economies and their
global economy grew at a decelerating rate in 2019 amid uncertainty surrounding the US- China trade rift and concerns about Brexit which lingered throughout the year. The World Economic Outlook of the
effectiveness of pandemic control and vaccine development, the economic damage may be worse than what was seen during the 1997 financial crisis. Given volatility in the financial market and real sector which had
the securities clearing house, including credit risk and liquidity risk. The financial resources shall be assets with high liquidity and low-price volatility which may be any of the following assets: (1