hit by tax barriers, causing the export of Thai rubber woods to China to be affected. 2. in addition China also implemented strict environmental regulations, which caused many factories in China to stop
Pop-up stores under the concept “After you into the woods” at Minwinter in KhaoYai and Niman Soi 3 in ChiangMai province. In addition, by 2023, the Company continuously plans to expand the Pop-up stores
monitoring and evaluation of the relevance of the risks and resilience measures and related adjustments to those measures will be taken. M2: No clearing of woody vegetation over 3 metres in height after 2020
management and drought warning • Planting / removing vegetation explicitly to modify water temperatures, evaporation rates, runoff patterns Water Infrastructure Criteria under the Climate Bonds Standard
ที่ 4 ปี 2565 บริษัทฯ ด ำเนินกำร ขยำยกำรออกบูธ (Pop-up store) ภำยใต้คอนเซ็ปต์ After You into the woods เพิ่มเติมทั้งหมด 2 สำขำ ได้แก่ ที่ร้ำนอำหำร Midwinter เขำใหญ่ และที่นิมมำน ซอย 3 จังหวัด เชียงใหม่
start a new project under the concept “After You into the woods” in October 2022 to January 2023 at Midwinter Khao Yai Restaurant. The store will offer special menus suitable for the atmosphere like
sequestration. Techniques can include soil carbon management, restoration of native vegetation, and eliminating in-field burning practices. Indirect land use Possible unintended consequences of indirect land use
, sourcing, or financial investments that do not cause or contribute to deforestation (AFi, 2019). Peatland: An area with or without vegetation with a naturally accumulated peat layer at the surface, while
กำรขยำยสำขำรำ้นรปูแบบปอ๊ปอฟั สโตร์ (Pop-up Store) บริษัทฯ มีแผนที่จะด ำเนินกำรเปิดโปรเจคใหม่ภำยใต้คอนเซ็ปต์ After You into the woods ในช่วงเดือน ตุลำคม ปี 2565 ถึงเดือนมกรำคม ปี 2566 ที่ร้ำนอำหำร