, frequency of assessment may vary. The participating countries can also choose whether or not to disclose the assessment results. CG-ROSC participants are not required to pay any expenses but to facilitate the
, frequency of assessment may vary. The participating countries can also choose whether or not to disclose the assessment results. CG-ROSC participants are not required to pay any expenses but to facilitate the
conditions will be simple which only require the decision of the shareholders' meeting, without having to clearly state that the shares are allocated to directors, employee) Securities: Shares Convertible
capital markets by the World Bank. As participation in this program is voluntary, frequency of assessment may vary. The participating countries can also choose whether or not to disclose the assessment
capital markets by the World Bank. As participation in this program is voluntary, frequency of assessment may vary. The participating countries can also choose whether or not to disclose the assessment
มั่นว่ามาตรการ/กฎเกณฑ์ดังกล่าวจะสามารถนำไปสู่ผลที่คาดหวังได้ (สมผล) รวมทั้งมีการทบทวนความเหมาะสมของมาตรการ/กฎเกณฑ์ดังกล่าวเป็นระยะ ๆ ด้วย 6. ชัดเจน ปฏิบัติได้ (Clear, Simple, and Practical for Users