acquisition, it has constituted some problems regarding the business operation such as related party transaction and redundant costs. The redundant costs occur when SQL has not enough inventories to deliver to
funding sources.SEC found that one of the problems and difficulties that prevent SMEs from accessing funds in the capital market is the laws and rules concerning fund mobilization, which cause unnecessary
leave out unnecessary information. This will help clearly identify material information. The SEC in coordination with its approved auditors and the Institute of Certified Accounts and Auditors of Thailand
introduced and apply to the qualified DW issuers. In addition, the redundant information disclosed and signing requirement in the filing will be eliminated. SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak said
business, which also reduces redundant identification processes. As a result, trading account opening process in the capital market will be swift, effective, and reliable, also investors will be
expert witness called by the SEC Office and an alleged person except where the authority considers that it would be unnecessary, redundant or dilatory; request (3) requesting any fact or opinion from a
responsible financial management, proper financial values, and avoids unnecessary debt. These practices are expected to create a ripple effect of positive financial habits within educational communities.This
procedure to replace the performance of the audit committee because there is less possibility of damage to the customers and requirement of the audit committee may cause unnecessary burden on the business
conflicts of interest. The revised rules also protect the best interest of investors by prohibiting collection of redundant fees, prohibiting the exercise of the voting right of the invested funds
meeting concluded that SEC would revise the supervision regulations which are problematic or unnecessary (regulatory guillotine) and consideration would be given to the differences in business models