Minister of Finance 09:50 – 09:55 Group photo 09:55 – 10:05 Transitioning towards environmental sustainability under the new Thai financial landscape Speaker Mr. Ronadol Numnonda, Deputy Governor for
GBP aim to support issuers in transitioning their business model towards greater environmental sustainability through specific projects. Issuance aligned to the GBP should provide an investment
investment analyst by a regulator in an ASEAN country which is accepted by the SEC Office.1 1 an ASEAN country which is accepted by the SEC Office means a signatory to the Memorandum of Understanding on the
Conclusion Appendices Figure 12 Implementation Path (Illustrative) organizations’ risk management and strategic planning processes. As this occurs, organizations’ and investors’ understanding of the potential
transitioning to a net zero carbon future), as for those seeking to create positive impacts for existing and new customers and other Stakeholders through their products and services. Implementation of these
รายงานการประชุมคณะกรรมการตรวจสอบ ครั้งที่ 4/2548 Ref.: SET-2017-026 December 22, 2017 Subject: Signing on the Memorandum of Understanding to Invest in Medical Service Business for Healthcare and
Understanding to Invest in Medical Service Business for Healthcare and Esthetics under Trademark “Wuttisak” dated December 22, 2017 Since Filter Vision Public Company Limited (“the Company” or “FVC”) declared to
challenges to secure long- term financing as the world transitions away from such business activities Transition Cost-Cost increase in transitioning business to low-carbon will be high as the company will have
competition and resulted into slower sales in B2B as well. Adopting to the changing consumer behavior where consumers are transitioning to apply technology for their purchases, the Company is expanding its
industry groups and committing to targets as they shift gears to invest in a global economy that is transitioning into a low-carbon world. STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. FOR PROFESSIONAL INVESTORS ONLY