there are adequate measures to manage conflicts of interest; There is no reason to doubt that the management mechanism will be unable to protect the rights of the shareholders or to treat the shareholders
วะสุวรรณ คณะบริหารธุรกิจ ภาคบัญชี มหาวิทยาลัย เกษตรศาสตร์ • ผลงานวิจัยเรื่อง “A String of Earnings Increases, Future Earnings Uncertainty, and Firm Fundamentals” - Presentation - บทศึกษา โดย
must be clearly specified in order to avoid any doubt whether internal information is used to the benefit of the executives. The program must be administered by an intermediary, such as a securities
infrastructure assets A Trust for high net-worth investors vs retail investors Termination of a trust The Settlor Trust's duties Structure of infra trust The major rules Minimum mobilized capital of
of an Infrastructure Fund (IFF) and Infra Trust. Regulatory Summary Structure of infra trust The major rules Investments in infrastructure assets A Trust for high net-worth investors vs retail
Insurance Commission) (Available in Thai only) 1. Authorized person 2. High level executives 3. Actuary 4. Auditor
Insurance Commission) (Available in Thai only) 1. Authorized person 2. High level executives 3. Actuary 4. Auditor
Agency Capital Market Leader Program, Capital Market Academy High Level Budget management Program, Budget Bureau Director Certification Program, Institute of Directors Association (IOD) Senior Executive
the SET 5. Other criteria Criteria for authorizing IPO The past five years record must not contain doubt that information in filing and application is inaccurate or incomplete, or that important
company adopts the company’s objectives, goals, and strategies, applying high ethical, environmental and social standards, and contributes to the sustainable growth of the company. Principle 5.3 The board