increased ,while the Social security revenue of subsidiaries decreased. Payment system of Social security office is uncertain therefore in Q1/2019 subsidiaries did not receive revenue of chromic disease. 2
Disclose significant factors that materially affected the issuer’s income from operations, including unusual or infrequent events or new developments and the extent to which income was affected by these
that materially affected the issuer’s income from operations, including unusual or infrequent events or new developments and the extent to which income was affected by these factors. Significant factors
FINANCIAL REVIEW AND PROSPECTS A. Operating Results Disclose significant factors that materially affected the issuer’s income from operations, including unusual or infrequent events or new developments and
premium at no more than 90 million baht is not appropriate since 150-200 MW power plant project and the associated consignments remain uncertain while additional investment of 7,850 million baht is needed
and the PPA remain unclear and uncertain while additional investment of 7,850 million baht is needed, causing IFA unable to appraise the project value; (3) various risks associated with the transaction
and the PPA remain unclear and uncertain while additional investment of 7,850 million baht is needed, causing IFA unable to appraise the project value; (3) various risks associated with the transaction
factors that materially affected the issuer’s income from operations, including unusual or infrequent events or new developments and the extent to which income was affected by these factors. Significant
practices are relatively infrequent considering the overall normal transactions in the capital market; however, damage incurred from a few cases could tarnish the confidence of investors and stakeholders on a
practices are relatively infrequent considering the overall normal transactions in the capital market; however, damage incurred from a few cases could tarnish the confidence of investors and stakeholders on a