inevitably brought down the average selling prices, thus affecting sales revenue of wholesales/ retails. And the slow economic growth in ASEAN markets stemming from Global economy slowdown in 2019 also lowered
. Therefore, its sales revenue was unavoidably impacted. Though the lockdown was gradually released since 17 May 2020, purchase power of consumers remained stay in low level. According to the economic factors
budgets to do CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) instead. These are the main reasons that inevitably affects the Company's revenue and business performance. The Impact of the COVID-19 situation Risk
6 months of this year. This caused most developers to delay launching new housing projects as well as speed up the sale of housing inventory. Unavoidably, these created price competitiveness among the
housing inventory. Unavoidably, these created price competitiveness among the real estate developers. (2) Rent and Service Business This year, revenue from rent and service business was THB 341.19 million
. As a result of business lock down by the government, the Group’s income has been inevitably and significantly impacted, while the costs and expenses remained tightly controlled. This resulted in a half
predictions, projections, or forecasts on the economy, securities markets or the economic trends of the markets are not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of Eastspring Investments or
ASEAN Low Carbon Energy Programme The views of third parties set out in this webcast are not necessarily the views of the EY organization or any of its member firms. This material has been prepared for
/2561. The negotiation for the purchase of a 1 MW solar power plant of CR Solar Co., Ltd, located in Lampang province, is expected to be inevitably undertaken under the rehabilitation of IFEC, which would
. However due to the assets selling of joint venture in April 2018, the Company recognize unavoidably the impairment loss in investment in Q1 2018 which caused negatively to the equity. Nevertheless, the