SEC Digital Services
margin 19.7% 21.9% (2.2) Services income and Cost of rendering of services Services income can be grouped in 3 segments: 1. providing digital content via telecommunication channels 2. providing information
Digital Assets • Digital assets under the Emergency Decree includes Cryptocurrencies and Digital Tokens, with the following meanings: i) “Cryptocurrency” means an electronic data unit built on an electronic
of services Services income can be grouped in 3 segments: 1. Digital content via telecommunication channels 2. Information technology solutions for electronic devices 3. Online advertising for products
segments: 1. Digital content via telecommunication channels 2. Information technology solutions for electronic devices 3. Online advertising for products and services. The details of Services income and Cost
: 1. Digital content via telecommunication channels 2. Information technology solutions for electronic devices 3. Online advertising for products and services. The details of Services income and Cost of
ended 31 December Services income and Cost of rendering of services Services income can be grouped in 3 segments: 1. Digital content via telecommunication channels 2. Information technology solutions for
-month Period Nine-month Period Services income and Cost of rendering of services Services income can be grouped in 3 segments: 1. Digital content via telecommunication channels 2. Information technology
Electronic System by 2 December 2024. The auditor expressed a qualified opinion on COMAN’s interim financial statements for the second quarter of 2024 because the auditor was unable to obtain sufficient
investment in securities or derivatives in the manner of giving an opinion or sharing an investment experience through a website or electronic media occurs extensively in increasingly various forms, both in