customers this year. AIS Fiber will continue to lead the industry as a provider of superior service quality via a service guarantee amidst price competition. • Enterprise business continues to grow at double
trend while 5G service at the start Accelerated by pandemic, businesses have been urged to transition or adopt digital technologies. AIS saw revenue in cloud and enterprise solution posed double digit
คูม่อืส ำหรบัประชำชน : การยืน่แบบแสดงรายการขอ้มลูการเสนอขายหลกัทรพัยท์ ีอ่อกโดยบรษิทัตา่งประเทศทีม่หีรอืจะมี หุน้เป็นหลกัทรพัยซ์ือ้ขายในตลาดหลกัทรพัยต์า่งประเทศ (secondary listing/dual offering
continues to grow at double digit: Underpinned by the growing demand following digital transformation trends, we aim to grow our CCIID (Cloud, Cyber security, IoT, ICT solutions and Data center) by double
business strengthened by CSL acquisition helped enhance AIS’ s capability to serve enterprise segment in areas such as enterprise data service and cloud which grew double digit while both AIS and CSL
businesses to digitalize their operation. Enterprise non-mobile revenue, currently representing approximately 3% of core service revenue, should continue delivering double digit growth in 2020. Continued cost
. Enterprise business is anticipated to continue delivering double digit growth – With strong demand for digitalizing business operation under new normal, we expect enterprise business to capture demand with our
delivering double digit growth – With strong demand for digitalizing business operation under new normal, we expect enterprise business to capture demand with our strong ICT infrastructure and solution in
bundling to increase average revenue per household (ARPH). • Enterprise business is anticipated to continue delivering double digit growth – With strong demand for digitalizing business operation under new
be a significant player with target milestone of 2.2mn fiber customer in 2022. • Enterprise business will continue delivering double digit growth – It is our focus on strategic partnership and building