interest that may or may not be a breach of laws. Corruption can occur in both public and private sectors, including company executives misusing their power or position to seek personal gains. Alliance
interest that may or may not be a breach of laws. Corruption can occur in both public and private sectors, including company executives misusing their power or position to seek personal gains. Alliance
interest that may or may not be a breach of laws. Corruption can occur in both public and private sectors, including company executives misusing their power or position to seek personal gains. Alliance
interest that may or may not be a breach of laws. Corruption can occur in both public and private sectors, including company executives misusing their power or position to seek personal gains. Alliance
position of company secretary as well? A: Yes. The Securities and Exchange Act does not prohibit such matter. The board may appoint any person who is deemed appropriate and qualified to perform the duties of
position of company secretary as well? A: Yes. The Securities and Exchange Act does not prohibit such matter. The board may appoint any person who is deemed appropriate and qualified to perform the duties of
interpretation of the “Executive” in relation to “person holding executive position in Accounting or Finance Department whose rank is not lower than departmental manager” Regarding the Notification of the
also a team of knowledgeable and competent engagement partner and audit staff working together under a reliable audit quality control system of the audit firm. As such, the auditing must be carried out
× Home > Laws/Regulations > Discussion Discussion SHARE : Detail Content The interpretation of the “Executive” in relation to “person holding executive position in Accounting
preparation and submission of financial statements The financial statements and consolidated financial statements of the company shall be accurate and reliable, complying with the rules as specified in Section