spaces and improved occupancy rates when compared to Q1/2019, despite the temporary closure of The Walk and Little Walk since 22 March 2020 like Index Living Mall, while some tenants were allowed to open
Q2/ 2020 , Index Living Mall Public Company Limited (the “Company” or “ILM”) managed to make a positive net profit despite the closure of most branches of Index Living Mall, The Walk, and Little Walk
) ในไตรมำส 2/2563 บรษัิท อนิเด็กซ ์ลฟิวิง่มอลล ์จ ำกดั (มหำชน) (“บรษิทัฯ” หรอื “ILM”) ยังสำมำรถท ำก ำไรได ้แม ้ ตอ้งปิดสำขำส่วนใหญ่ของ Index Living Mall, The Walk และ Little Walk ตั ้งแต่วันที่ 22 มีนำคม
Structure Q1/2018 Q1/2017 Change Cash-Base Revenue (Walk-In) 1,170.5 994.6 175.9 17.7% Social Security Scheme Revenue 651.9 609.0 42.9 7.0% Universal Coverage Revenue - 18.3 (18.3) (100%) Other Income 21.5
the Company. Revenue Structure Q2/2018 Q2/2017 Difference Cash-Base (Walk-In) Revenue 1,240 1,049.4 190.6 18.2% Social Security Scheme Revenue 678 604.4 73.5 12.2% Universal Coverage Revenue - 22.4
marketing to promote products and services of the hospital to both local and international patients. And, the financial costs Revenue Structure Q3/2018 Q3/2017 Difference Cash-Base (Walk-In) Revenue 1,474.0
amount of Baht 74.2 million or 32.8% from the use of marketing to promote products and Revenue Structure Q3/2018 Q3/2017 Difference Cash-Base (Walk-In) Revenue 1,518.9 1,273.6 245.3 19.3% Social Security
/2562 ถงึแมว้ำ่บรษัิทฯ จะปิดพืน้ทีใ่หเ้ชำ่สว่นใหญ่ของทัง้ The Walk และ Little Walk ตัง้แตว่นัที ่22 มนีำคม 2563 เชน่เดยีวกับ Index Living Mall แตยั่งมพีืน้ทีใ่หเ้ชำ่บำงสว่นทียั่งใหบ้รกิำรได ้เชน่ ซปุเป
- Fridays (except public holidays) from 08:30 - 15:00 hours. (lunch break) Work flow, period of time, and responsible agencies Consideration period: 75 days Step Work flow Period Responsible agency 1
time, and responsible agencies Consideration period: 240 days Step Work flow Period Responsible agency 1) Checklist: - Submit Form 61-1F and evidentiary documents under Clause 15; - SEC official checks